Check out our articles in OrganicNZ magazine! Through a partnership with Soil and Health NZ, we’re excited to introduce the Trust and its work, and share some stories about the projects we support.
Our first article, Funding the Future appeared in May/June 2023. Trust Chair Sam Weaver talks about the foundations of biodynamics, and explains how Kete Ora’s trustees are keen to show people the science behind biodynamic practices. “When you’re involved, you can see the qualitative benefits for yourself. But we also want to support people to get the data to show how biodynamic practices work from the viewpoint of modern scientific principles:’
Read ‘Funding the Future’ (PDF, 6.27 MB)
Healing the Earth was published in the September/October 2023 edition. Sam Weaver and Rachel Pomeroy explain how biodynamics is a philosophy that transcends all cultures and religions. “Biodynamics is inclusive, not redactive. It works with conventional science but also on a spiritual plane.”
Not surprisingly then, there is growing interest in Aotearoa from those gardening and growing inside a Te Ao Māori framework, and globally there is a notable expansion of biodynamic practice in Southeast Asia - Thailand, the Philippines and China - and also Brazil and other parts of South America.
Read ‘Healing the Earth’ (PDF, 3.11 MB)
Read more about Kete Ora’s support for a Hua Parakore workshop here: Exploring biodynamics and Hua Parakore
Studying the Benefits appeared in the November/December 2023 edition. Kete Ora Trustee Ross Vintiner, of Dali Estate explains the impetus behind the Trust’s evidence-based research that will compare the nutrient density of food produced in biodynamic, organic and non-organic systems.
Read ‘Studying the Benefits’ (PDF, 5.39 MB)
Find out more about Kete Ora’s research here.
Posted: 10 January 2024