Kete Ora Trust is very pleased to support the Biodynamic Association in this valuable project creating ‘education bundles’ made up of articles from past editions of Harvests. These are available for purchase and download from the BDA’s website - click on the titles to go straight to their purchase pages.
Getting Into Biodynamics includes:
- Setting up a Biodynamic Lifestyle Block
- A Biodynamics Workshop for Beginners
- Biodynamic Timing; Use of Calendar + Timing is Everything
- Chemical, Biological, Spiritual
- Finding a Farm, Growing for Market
- Growing Food in the City
- A New Generation of Gardners – Kaitlyn Lamb
- …and much more!
Compost 101 includes:
- ABC of Composting
- Many Dimensions of Soil
- Creative Composting
- Farm Scale Composting
- Using Plant Extracts for Farm Health
- Know Your Soil
Preparations 101 includes:
- Compost Prep 502
- Compost Prep 503
- Compost Prep 504
- Compost Prep 505
- Compost Prep 506
- Compost Prep 507
- The Quartz Prep 501
- Building Our Confidence Using 501
- Healing Powers of Equisetum
- Making Your Own Tree Paste
- Wonders of Cow Pat Pit
Posted: 18 August 2023